We need your help! £100,000 is available for community groups in Edinburgh to put their ideas into action. Groups can now apply for projects that aim to make Edinburgh a greener city.

Ideas can be large or small and will be eligible as long as they are in line with one or more of the following aims and cost under £20,000

  • create opportunities for community leadership and learning on climate change
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions within communities and contribute to the net-zero agenda for Edinburgh
  • set up sustainable projects for the benefit of local people to build resilience or adapt to climate change within communities 
  • build relationships between neighbourhoods of different socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds to work together on just, equitable and accessible climate and resilience activities. These will contribute to the city’s net zero agenda and ensure that activities work towards reducing or removing barriers for disabled people as we transition to net zero.

Ideas can be submitted online before successful projects are decided through a public vote. Find out more online  Your Choice (edinburgh.gov.uk). Applications close at midnight on the 12th of February.

Email communityplanning@edinburgh.gov.uk with any questions or for support.

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