
Grants are available for charities, community groups, and other third-sector organisations for projects that improve path networks and promote walking, wheeling, and cycling across Scotland.Current StatusOpen for ApplicationsMaximum value:£ 100,000

Objectives of Fund

This fund aims to create a happier, healthier, and greener Scotland by supporting improvements to local paths within and between communities, making it easier for people to travel by walking, wheeling, or cycling. The fund will support projects that:

  • Improve accessibility of existing paths.
  • Improve the resilience of paths.
  • Improve local path network viability through the development of new link paths.
  • Improve safety and increase community confidence.
  • Increase community use of the core path and local path networks.

Value Notes

A total of £1.5 million is available.

Grants of between £10,000 and £100,000 are available.

Match Funding Restrictions

Grants will support up to 70% of total project costs. Applicants are required to provide 30% match funding (15% can be in kind). Paths for all will consider paying more than 70% of funding towards the costs of detailed design costs.

Who Can Apply

Charities, community groups, and third sector organisations can apply, including but not limited to:

  • Constituted groups, clubs, and community organisations.
  • Registered charities.
  • Not-for-profit organisations or community interest companies.
  • Schools, universities, or colleges.
  • Community councils and community or development trusts.

Groups can submit up to two applications in any one financial year if they are for different projects or different phases of work on the same project.  

Groups must obtain at least three independent quotes for all path improvement and design works.


The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Individuals.
  • Sole traders.
  • Groups or organisations looking to fund projects outside of Scotland.
  • Commercial companies.
  • Local authorities.
  • Purchasing cycles, cycle storage, cycle racks, or changing facilities.
  • Projects that are primarily aimed at sports awareness/increasing sports participation, including sporting events and tournaments.
  • Political campaigns.
  • Land negotiation and/or acquisition (including related legal fees).
  • Projects that do not focus on active travel.
  • Match funding for other Transport Scotland bus, accessibility, and active travel directorate funded activities.  

Eligible Expenditure

Funding will support path management projects that:

  • Improve accessibility and resilience of existing paths between homes, community facilities, active travel routes and public transport facilities.
  • Remove barriers to make existing paths more accessible to more people.
  • Link paths to community destinations such as homes and public transport connections.
  • Improve and create routes to aid the development of 20-minute neighbourhoods.

Funding will support activities such as:

  • Improving accessibility and resilience of existing paths between homes, community facilities, active travel routes and public transport facilities.
  • Creating new link paths between homes, community facilities, active travel routes, and public transport facilities.
  • Removing barriers to make existing paths more accessible.
  • Improving safety and increasing path users’ confidence through provisions such as lighting, wayfinding information, or seating.
  • Developing detailed designs to help deliver proposed activities.

Successful projects have 12 months from the time they accept the funding offer to complete proposed activities and claim all payments.

How To Apply

There are no deadlines. Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the year. There is a limited budget available for each financial year.

There is a two-stage application process:

  • Groups should first submit an expression of interest through Paths for All’s online grant portal.
  • Successful applicants will then be invited to submit a full application.

Guidance notes are available from the Paths for All website.

Paths for All – Ian Findlay Path Fund

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