
This annual cash prize rewards a charitable or non-governmental organisation that has made an extraordinary contribution towards alleviating human suffering around the world. Current StatusFutureMaximum value:Discretionary

Objectives of Fund

The Prize is intended to recognise and advance efforts towards the alleviation of human suffering.  It falls within the Foundation’s aim of providing humanitarian aid to the most unfortunate and disadvantaged.  The Prize highlights the worldwide need for humanitarian aid, and to encourage other actors to expand their support.

Value Notes

The prize winner is awarded US$2.5 million. 

The Prize is presented to the recipient organisation at a ceremony attended by international dignitaries and leaders from the humanitarian and human rights fields.

Typically up to 300 organisations are nominated each year for this prize.

Who Can Apply


  • Nominees must be organisations, not individuals.
  • Nominees must be established, non-governmental, publicly supported charitable organisations with a US Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt status or the equivalent for international organisations. (International nominees will be contacted by the Foundation for appropriate documentation.)
  • Nominees must be legally established for at least five years in order to be considered.
  • Nominees must have audited financial statements and an operating budget (expenditures) greater than US $750,000 in their last financial year of operation.


  • The nominator should have direct knowledge of the nominated organisation’s work.
  • The nominator may not be an officer or employee, or any other individual receiving remuneration for his or her services from the nominated organisation.  Board members may nominate providing they receive no payment for their service.
  • The nominator may not be a family member of an officer or employee of the nominated organisation.


Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nominators must not be:

  • An officer or employee, or any other individual receiving remuneration for their services from the nominated organisation.
  • A family member of an officer or employee of the nominated organisation.
  • An organisation that has received major funding from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
  • An individual.

Eligible Expenditure

The Prize is given to an organisation that is judged to have made extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering.

Nominations should emphasise the organisation’s accomplishments rather than future goals. The following are suggested criteria to consider in describing the nominee’s work:

  • Extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering.
  • Established record of achievement covering at least five years.
  • Demonstration of compelling programmatic approach to make a lasting impact.
  • Demonstration of effective partnerships, organisational capacity and administrative efficiency.
  • Innovation in programme design.

How To Apply

Nominations for 2023 will be open from 19 August 2022 to 28 September 2022.

The nomination procedure is as follows:

  • Create an account and password by visiting the Hilton Humanitarian Prize nominations portal.
  • Complete the nomination form and upload the signed nomination letter which should not exceed four typed pages in 12-point font. The signed nomination letter should cite the reasons the nominee deserves the Hilton Humanitarian Prize.
  • The Foundation contacts the nominee for additional information and supporting materials.

Enquiries about eligibility and nominations should be sent to the Nominations Team.

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