Constituted, not-for-profit organisations across Scotland can apply for funding for food growing projects that foster community engagement in growing and learning about food, as well as promoting healthy eating and outdoor exercise.

The Central Scotland Green Network, with support from the Scottish Government, is offering grants for constituted, not-for-profit organisations that aim to promote and increase community food growing activities across Scotland. 

Through the Growing Food Together Fund, a total of £100,000 is available for projects that: 

  • Improve food growing skills, particularly in poorly ranked Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) areas.
  • Improve access to and understanding of the benefits of growing food.
  • Enable people from all walks of life to enjoy and learn about nutritious food.

Funding for projects and activities that have a tangible community benefit, such as: 

  • Setting up a community-growing area where the land has been set aside for this purpose.
  • Installing physical infrastructures such as raised beds or polytunnels.
  • Sourcing materials and equipment to prepare sites for growing.
  • Purchasing or leasing of tools and equipment.
  • Making the site safe for growing, eg installing fences ensuring accessible access.
  • Soil analysis testing and site research.
  • Site feasibility studies or design work.
  • Learning and training opportunities to increase knowledge about food growing.

Eligible costs include staff time dedicated to the project (up to £250 per day), and reasonable expenses towards volunteers, community members, and overheads such as project management or liability insurance.

Priority will be given to projects that fit community growing into Scotland’s recovery from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and deliver aspirations to become a Good Food Nation.

The deadline for applications is 8 August 2022.

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