
UK non-profit organisations and public bodies working in collaboration can apply for funding to support proposals to form a Community Research Network in their area.Current StatusFutureMaximum value:£ 25,000

Objectives of Fund

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has confirmed it will invest £4.4 million over the next four years in the creation of a series of Community Research Networks across the UK. This will form part of its goal to deliver economic, social, and cultural benefits from research and innovation to all UK citizens.

The funding is intended to help local areas by investing in organisations which can support the sustainable and equitable involvement of communities in research.

According to UKRI, community organisations, charities and local authorities, alongside research organisations play a crucial role in the production, interpretation and use of research. This investment is expected to give these organisations the capacity to collaborate effectively, unlocking the potential of community-centred research and research engagement approaches.

The aim of the Community Research Networks Expression of Interest (EoI) Competition is to support up to 20 initial collaborations with the potential to form a Community Research Network at the implementation phase.

Funding at this EoI phase will support initial collaborations in building relationships and to develop plans for the implementation phase. Only successful applicants at the EoI phase will be invited to apply for the implementation phase in April 2023.

Value Notes

Up to £500,000 has been allocated to fund collaborations in this expression of interest phase of the competition. IUK expects to fund up to 20 collaborations for an initial period of six months. The total grant awarded for each collaboration is fixed at £25,000.

For the Implementation phase competition £3.5 million has been allocated to fund a minimum of five networks for up to £200,000 each year for three years.

Who Can Apply

This competition is open to collaborations only. To lead a collaboration or collaborate with the lead, an organisation must be a UK registered charitable trust, registered charity, community interest company, cooperative society or local authority. The lead must not act in any way to gain selective commercial or economic advantage from the outputs of the project.

Research organisations cannot lead but can collaborate. Research organisations are categories as universities, higher education institutions, public sector research establishments (PSREs), research council institutes, independent research organisations (IROs) and non-profit research and technology organisations (RTOs), including catapults.


IUK is not funding:

  • Capital expenditure
  • Activity that applicants are already undertaking in partnership or as a single organisation.
  • Activity that does not contribute to the development of a proposal for the Community Research Networks – Implementation phase.
  • Enterprises which are seeking to gain a selective economic or commercial advantage from the funding.

Eligible Expenditure

Funding for this EoI phase must be used to support the collaborative development of applications for the implementation phase. This can include:

  • Building collaborations and partnerships.
  • Convening discussions.
  • Hosting workshops.
  • Engaging communities.
  • Collaborative bid writing.
  • Desk research.

Collaborations do not need to focus on a specific research theme or topic area. All types of research can be funded, and applicants are encouraged to think in broad terms about the role of communities in producing, shaping, influencing, engaging with and using research.

IUK expects that themes or focus areas will develop based on a combination of the existing interests and expertise of organisations in the collaboration and the needs and priorities of local communities.

How To Apply

Applications are accepted from Monday 25 July 2022 until Wednesday 14 September 2022.

Applications are made online.

More details can be accessed at the Innovate UK website.

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