The Tree Council is offering grants of between £200 and £2,000 for schools, community groups, charities, Tree Warden networks, parish and town councils, and other organisations to support tree, hedge, and orchard planting projects that promote community involvement and get young people aged 21 and under involved in the planting and aftercare. 

Funding can be used to cover:

  • Buying trees, including fruit trees, and hedges. 
  • Reasonable costs of non-plastic protection and supports such as canes, stakes or ties, mulch, mulching mats and peat-free compost or soil improvers.

Trees must be:

  • Of appropriate species, size, and numbers, including fruit trees, sourced from bio-secure stock. Apple and pears must be grown on semi-vigorous, vigorous, or very vigorous rootstocks.
  • Planted in the ground.
  • Bare-root stock, if possible.

Preference will be given to projects with a specific emphasis on wildlife and biodiversity. Applicants are encouraged to plant a wide variety of species to aid resilience, and non-native species will be considered where appropriate.

Planting should take place between mid-November 2022 and early March 2023, ideally taking place during National Tree Week (26 November to 4 December 2022). 

The deadline for applications is 4 December 2022. 

Grants are available for schools, community groups, parish and town councils, and Tree Warden Networks to support tree planting projects that involve young people up to the age of 21 across the United Kingdom.

The Tree Council is offering grants of between £200 and £2,000 for schools, community groups, charities, Tree Warden networks, parish and town councils, and other organisations to support tree, hedge, and orchard planting projects that promote community involvement and get young people aged 21 and under involved in the planting and aftercare. 

Funding can be used to cover:

  • Buying trees, including fruit trees, and hedges. 
  • Reasonable costs of non-plastic protection and supports such as canes, stakes or ties, mulch, mulching mats and peat-free compost or soil improvers.

Trees must be:

  • Of appropriate species, size, and numbers, including fruit trees, sourced from bio-secure stock. Apple and pears must be grown on semi-vigorous, vigorous, or very vigorous rootstocks.
  • Planted in the ground.
  • Bare-root stock, if possible.

Preference will be given to projects with a specific emphasis on wildlife and biodiversity. Applicants are encouraged to plant a wide variety of species to aid resilience, and non-native species will be considered where appropriate.

Planting should take place between mid-November 2022 and early March 2023, ideally taking place during National Tree Week (26 November to 4 December 2022). 

The deadline for applications is 4 December 2022.

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