
Grants are available for third sector organisations, community interest companies and public bodies to provide practical and emotional support to victims, witness, and survivors of crime in Scotland.Current StatusOpen for ApplicationsMaximum value:Discretionary

Objectives of Fund

The aim of this fund is to support victims, survivors, and witnesses of crime in Scotland by putting them at the heart of the justice system and improving the range of advice, information and support available to them. This fund will streamline support into one easy-to-access place, enabling organisations to better support victims of crime whilst encouraging the development of new projects and approaches.

The VCAF is underpinned by a vision that victims will:

  • Be treated with fairness, compassion and in a trauma informed way their safety and well-being is a priority.
  • Have access to consistent, appropriate, and timely information and support.
  • Be able to understand their rights, have confidence that these rights will be upheld and be able to participate effectively.

The long-term goals of the fund are that victims:

  • Have improved health and wellbeing.
  • Feel safer.
  • Feel better informed.
  • Have improved experiences of the criminal justice system/process.
  • Are able to rebuild their lives.

Value Notes

At least £30 million is being made available over a three year period with £10 million each year from April 2022 to March 2025.

There is no minimum or maximum level of funding for which to apply.

Who Can Apply

Incorporated third sector organisations, community interest companies and public bodies, including local authorities, that have a focus on providing support to victims/witnesses of crime in Scotland may apply.

Eligible applicants must be able to demonstrate both good governance and a commitment to equality and diversity.

Community Interest Companies (CICs) should have a board of at least three directors.


The Fund will not support core support for mainstream public services. (However, public bodies who deliver bespoke services for victims that are not mainstreamed within public sector budgets may still apply).

Eligible Expenditure

The funding is for projects that contribute towards the delivery of one or more of the Fund’s priorities which are:

  • Victims and witnesses will have access to practical and emotional support, regardless of whereabouts in Scotland they live, the nature or severity of the crime, whether it has been reported, or what stage of the justice journey they are at.
  • Victims and witnesses will have access to joined-up services that are inclusive and accessible to all, provide streamlined support, and reduce the need for victims to recount their experiences to several different organisations.
  • Families bereaved by crime committed in Scotland or abroad will have access to specialist practical and emotional support.
  • Victims/survivors of gender-based violence will have access to consistent and professional specialist criminal justice advocacy support.
  • Adult victims of human trafficking and/or slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour will have access to support and assistance.

The grants will support core funding, project funding, or a mixture of both. It is expected that the majority of applications for core funding will come from third sector organisations.

Eligible core costs include but are not limited to:

  • Existing management, administration, and delivery staff.
  • Office supplies and accommodation.
  • Overheads, such as heating, lighting, cleaning, and insurance.
  • Communication and IT equipment.

All applicants can apply for project support. This can include any costs to deliver time-bound, specific pieces of new work.

Priority will be given to applications that demonstrate collaboration with other organisations to support the delivery of the VCAF priorities and outcomes. Partnerships that enable the delivery of larger-scale projects are also encouraged.

How To Apply

This fund is currently open. The deadline for applications is 20 December 2021.

An application form and guidance notes can be found on the Scottish Government’s website.

Applications must be submitted by email to

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