
Grants are available to support charities and not-for-profit organisations that provide lifetime support to those in need among serving Armed Forces personnel, veterans, and their immediate families.Current StatusOpen for ApplicationsMaximum value:£ 30,000

Objectives of Fund

The aim of the Foundation is to help charities and other organisations that support serving and former members of the British Armed Forces, and sometimes their dependants, who are in need.

Value Notes

The maximum grant available is £30,000.

Applications for spread grants, eg, a total of £30,000 awarded as £10,000 per year for three years, will also be considered.

The Foundation tends to award more small grants than large grants.

Match Funding Restrictions

Match funding may be required from start-up organisations that are applying for a grant.

Who Can Apply

All registered charities and other organisations that support the Armed Forces community (veterans, those serving and immediate dependants), including seafaring veterans who have served on operations, can apply.

Eligible organisation types include:

  • Charities.
  • Not-for-profit organisations.
  • Community projects.

Priority is given to charities and organisations who can demonstrate that they are directly involved in the provision of support to those in need, as well as well-run organisations of low to medium wealth.


The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Organisations that do not support the Armed Forces or seafaring communities.
  • Gap years.
  • Study trips.
  • Fundraising expeditions.
  • Sponsorship.
  • Housing associations and corporations, unless activities and costs are clear and charitable, perhaps match-funded.
  • Any activities that result in profit.
  • Organisations requiring payments to be sent to accounts outside the UK.

Bids for start-up organisations are particularly carefully scrutinised and may not be funded due to the risk involved. If they are funded, the Foundation may require match-funding arrangements.

Eligible Expenditure

The funding can be used for projects covering a range of aspects of social care for the Armed Forces community, including but not limited to:

  • Reducing homelessness.
  • Increasing employment.
  • Providing welfare and medical support.
  • Increasing confidence and social interaction.
  • Reducing dependence on alcohol and drugs.
  • Reducing poverty.
  • Disability.
  • Mental health.
  • Marriage guidance.
  • Care during old age.

The grants can be used to cover a range of project costs. The Foundation will also consider funding running costs of eligible organisations, provided sustainability is being considered.

How To Apply

The Grants Committee usually sits four times a year; however, in 2021 it will sit five times, in January, March, June, October and December. Deadlines for submission are:

  • 31 December for consideration in January.
  • 26 February for consideration in March.
  • 21 May for consideration in June.
  • 27 August for consideration in September.
  • 12 November for consideration in December.

The Foundation prefers to receive applications electronically but in exceptional cases a paper application can be submitted.

Guidance notes and the application form are available on the website of the Veterans’ Foundation.

Useful Links

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