
Grants are available to not-for-profit organisations for environmental and community-based projects that are within 10 miles of any landfill site or transfer station in Scotland and are for the benefit of the general public.Current StatusOpen for ApplicationsMaximum value:£ 40,000

Objectives of Fund

The WREN landfill operator changed its name to FCC Communities Foundation in May 2019.

The FCC Scottish Action Fund is a programme of funding for not-for-profit organisations to apply for grants under the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF).

Please note with the introduction of new waste technologies alongside the increase in recycling rates there is less waste going to landfill and the FCC Communities Foundation’s funding in Scotland has reduced accordingly.

Value Notes

Grants of between £2,000 and £40,000 are available for projects with a total project cost of £250,000 (including VAT if relevant).

All grant recipients are required to secure a ‘Contributing Third Party’ (CTP) payment. This is a very specific payment required to be paid to the landfill operator and it is not the same as match funding. Full details can be found in the guidance notes.

Please note this fund is oversubcribed.

Match Funding Restrictions

Match funding is not a specific condition of the grant; however, applicants will need to provide evidence of any confirmed match funders.

Third Party Funding of 10.75% is a requirement.

Who Can Apply

Charities, community councils, church or community organisations and voluntary groups can apply as long as they are operated on a not-for-profit basis, have a formal constitution and bank account registered in the name of the organisation.

Local Authorities may also apply.

Projects for public amenity, biodiversity and historic buildings must be based within 10 miles of an active landfill site or transfer station.

Applicants who wish to calculate the distance of their project to the nearest FCC Environment landfill site should use the online calculator which can be found on the FCC Communities Foundation website.


The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Salary costs, day-to-day management and running costs and routine maintenance costs.
  • Retrospective costs. (Projects which have already started).
  • Purchase of land.
  • Revenue or salary costs of staff including training and travel costs.
  • Purchase or lease of vehicles.
  • Construction of new buildings or extensions to existing buildings.
  • Projects located at leisure centres, swimming pools or sports facilities that are owned and managed by a Local Authority.
  • Any works to public highways, roads (either on or off project site, adopted or un-adopted) pavements beside highways, roundabouts. This does not include recreational footpaths, bridle paths or cycle ways.
  • Projects involving Membership-only organisations where the general public (ie non-members) are unable to use the facilities.
  • Village or town centre enhancements such as walkways, street works or signage.
  • Administration posts.
  • Projects to provide or enhance overnight accommodation or residential areas of any amenity.
  • War Memorials that do not have full public access or are not located within a public park.
  • Construction of new buildings or extensions to existing buildings, including but not limited to:
    • Foundations.
    • Drainage.
    • Bricks and mortar.
    • Roofing.
    • The provision of any mains supplies, (water, gas, electricity, oil) to the building.

Eligible Expenditure

The funding will only support costs which are specific to a project’s delivery.

Applications will be considered for all types of projects included in the following SLCF Objects:

  • Land Reclamation (Object A): The reclamation, remediation, restoration or other operation on land to facilitate economic, social or environmental use.
  • Community Recycling (Object B): Community-based recycling, re-use and waste prevention projects.
  • Public Amenities and Parks (Object C): Providing, maintaining or improving a public park or other public amenity which is in the vicinity of a landfill or transfer station.
  • Biodiversity (Object D): The conservation or promotion of biological diversity through the provision, conservation, restoration or enhancement of a natural habitat or the maintenance or recovery of a species in its natural habitat. Project must be in the vicinity of a landfill or transfer station.
  • Historic Buildings (Object E): The maintenance, repair or restoration of a building, other structure or a site of archaeological interest which is a place of religious worship, or a site of historic or architectural or archaeological interest and is open to the public. Project must be in the vicinity of a landfill or transfer station.

Applicants wishing to apply for funding under Object C or E and who are not able to offer full public access to their facility should contact the FCC Communities Foundation for guidance before applying.

Priority will be given to projects that help deliver community needs which evidence:

  • Clear and genuine need.
  • Relevant and appropriate consultation.
  • The ability to keep the site in good order and well maintained once the project is complete.
  • Reasonable costs which offer good value.
  • The ability to deliver the project on time and on budget.
  • The project’s outcomes will, within the confines of the LCF, benefit the natural, social or built environment and make a positive impact on local communities.

The funding can be used for the following types of costs:

  • Contractors.
  • Materials.
  • Capital items.
  • Small items of equipment used by volunteers and staff to deliver the project.

Applications will be considered for funding for the internal fittings of a new building or extension, but applicants should demonstrate that they have the build costs secured. The list of internal finishes includes:

  • Kitchens.
  • Toilets.
  • Floor coverings.
  • Decorating.
  • Lighting.
  • Heating.
  • Renewable energy technology eg ground source heat pump, photovoltaic panels.

Funding can be awarded towards the refurbishment of an existing community building.

For all Objects, work must be targeted on a specific site at a single location and all projects must be for the benefit of the general public.

For Public Amenity, Biodiversity and Historic Building projects must be within 10 miles of any landfill site or transfer station (not just FCC Environment sites).

Applicants can check to see if their site is in an eligible area by using the screening tool on SEPA’s website.

How To Apply

There are two funding rounds per year.

The application window for round two is open from 15 September 2021 to 5.00 pm on 1 December 2021. Decisions will be made by the Board in March 2022.

Guidelines and an online application can be found on the FCC Communities Foundation website.

Useful Links

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